I am a postdoc in the NLP group at the University of Edinburgh under the ELIAI program. I obtained a PhD with distinction (cum laude) in Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2024, where I am also a visiting researcher in the Learning and Reasoning group.

My research combines symbolic reasoning and machine learning, or “Neurosymbolic Learning”. It includes research into differentiable fuzzy logics and optimization with discrete latent variables. I developed the Storchastic PyTorch library, which implements many gradient estimation methods. I recently developed A-NeSI, a highly scalable Neurosymbolic method that uses neural networks for symbolic inference.

I’m also interested in Personal Knowledge Management and developed Juggl, a plugin for Obsidian.md that adds a customizable graph view. Other plugins include Graph Analysis, which uses graph theory algorithms to find similarities between notes, and Supercharged Links.

Another hobby of mine is music. Here are some songs I made!

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* indicates joint first authorship

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